Lifeblog: This big rollercoaster called 'Life' rides on! (December 2012)

The large Christmas tree at Wafi Mall, Dubai Before going over the general happenings in my life, I would like to wish all readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope 2013 will be a brilliant year for all of us... may God bless us all! And as for me, well I have it will be by far a better year for me, as 2012 was a very extreme one. An extreme one, because I came across many failures and some success in this same year. One of the biggest failures for me was actually failing in University of Geneva. All that said and done, October onwards I started moving on towards a whole new world. I joined a private university, where the atmosphere was totally different. The small classes, where you know all your peers and colleagues. The teacher-student relationship, which is actually there. And moreover, personally speaking, at last a taste of success, as I am finally faring well in my studies! I have managed to score consistently well so far, proba...