2016 Year In Review for Bollywood, and Upcoming 2017 Releases

Hello one and all! Here's wishing everyone a very Happy New Year, and wishing you lots of happiness, good health, and success this year! Despite posting this a tad later than desired, I did not want to miss out on writing my usual Year In Review for Bollywood post, as it has been a ritual on this blog for the last few years. This post is sort of like my personal Bollywood guide on what I felt to be the best movies of 2016, and the movies to look forward to this year. A quick side note: It has been kind of annoying to read on a few Indian media websites things like "2016 having been a bad year for Hindi cinema" or "2016 not having too many good Hindi movies" - when there have been a good number of well-made movies this year! So here we go, hope you enjoy the following lists, which includes the movies I watched and enjoyed, as well as the movies I couldn't watch but heard good or great things about them. Here we go!