2014, Year in Review for Bollywood

Dear Readers, First and foremost, here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2015! May this be a good one for all of us! For those who have been following my blog for the last few years, I have had this habit of doing a big massive review of the year that has gone by, at the end of the year. More specifically, I tend to do a "Maha-Review" of Bollywood for that year. And since I have been doing this from 2010 onwards (I think?), I guess it's only fair that I should continue to do this, as it is also one of the posts that gather among the most views on this blog. But apologies for this post coming so late. "Better late than never", and all that, I guess? In the "Year in Review" posts for previous years, I used to split the article by putting the movies in three categories. Now I have changed that to only two main categories: Watched and Appreciated (Liked or even Loved) Highly recommended (Not watched, but recommendations based on c...