2012 review of Hindi movies (only those seen by myself)

Hello readers! First of all here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2013 ! Hope you all have a brilliant year ahead.. So, for the first blogpost of this year (before I return back to hibernation again), here's giving you my opinion as to what were my personal pick of the good (and not-so-good) Hindi movies of 2012 . Yet again, this is just my opinion, and I am not here to start any debate as to "which movie was better than the other one", or any such war of words. So let's fly back to 2012, and allow me to justify these choices with mini-reviews for each of them. Note: the following two enumerations are in chronological order, starting from the earliest flick released in 2012, ending with the latest one. The appreciated movies Agneepath - The first hit of the year, and an interesting remake of the classic Amitabh Bachchan revenge saga of the same name. The movie purely belongs to the actors, who give powerful performances making this a cap...