Saluting the Birth of a Great Sibling

"Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply..." ~Jane Austen You were there... In times of crisis, you were there. When it was celebration time, you were there. When you felt the need to correct me, you were there. For silly fights and name-calling sessions, you were there. For giving me style tips, and helping me look good, you were there. For being cool, and cheering me up with jokes, you were there. For helping me out with homework, you were there. For being a shoulder I can cry on, you were there. For being a person to laugh with, you were there. Then, you went away. Far away. Miles away. Continents Away. But still you are there. In my thoughts, you are there. In my heart, you are there. You are there, because you are my blood relation. You ARE there, for being someone I can look up to. Then, now and forever. For being the biggest r...